Wednesday, March 13, 2013

2012 has come & gone, in a flash! I can't believe it is March of 2013. Bluebonnets will raise soon, I can hear my Kcrew yelling to go swimming as summer arrives.
Well, since I have not added to the blog in a year here are a few highlights.
 All year long we have been building a new home in the country aka The 902. It is finished and we are moved in!  To  relieve the stress of building, Scott and I went on an adventurous trip to Costa Rica. Totally amazing place to visit! I tried zip lining for the first time and trekking on a hill side to swim in a waterfall.
We ended the year with a Texas White Christmas in Dallas. Snow angles and snowballs were awesome to make. December is always a magical time.
NOW it's 2013 and this Kcrew is busy with softball, MMA and Girl Scouts. Stay tune for more updates sooner than later.